So this week was my first week back to school with students. I already love them...God has definitely put some specific children in my class this year, one having leukemia (might be a little bit of an emotional year). But if I ever doubted that this what I need to be doing for a living all I have to do is start school, I love teaching. God has provided a great long term sub, a.k.a Megan Hull.
Anyway, after my first day of school we made dinner and then made one of my favs, no bake cookies. Brock helped, of course, and then enjoyed himself to the hot cookies.
His new favorite word is "I like it" or "I don't like it" we are definitely having to work on how he says it but it is still precious. Forgive how HUGE I am...only 5 more weeks to go till we meet Miss Chloe Dell.
Jack Extraction
8 years ago