Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Extravaganza...

So we have been traveling alot the past month. We left for my parents', Austin last Sunday and then came home in the snow on Christmas Eve, just in time for the Christmas Eve Blizzard and Santa...then we packed up the car Christmas day and heading to Texarkana to Dustin's parents. We are still here and will head back Tuesday morning. I love family but I am definitely looking forward to a somewhat normal sleeping schedule. But I must say that God has given me two extremely flexible children, Brock is doing well and Chloe is happy as always. One thing I am defintley thankful for is not having to go back to school in a week, amazing how that was a heavy weight upon me.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I am at this place in my spiritual walk where God is calling me to listen. I have felt in the past few weeks that I am at a new place with God. Where I want to Love Him more...I kind of have been thinking on this for awhile but I was afraid of where it would take me or what I would have to do in order to be there. But a few weeks ago talking to a friend and listening to what she was learning I got tired...I got tired of living a mediocre life (don't know how to spell). So I am asking God what he desires of me...He told me at Chloe's morning feedings, after I work out or some time that I find just to myself I am waiting in silence...kind of hard to do because my mind races, I literally have to clear it all out. Words He has given me this week: Praise, Fear, Awe..I want to view my God as a BIG God, I want to love Him more...Dustin asked me this week if I feel this way because I am staying at home...I laughed, I think Kari said it best this week, my kids are my refining as I go about my business with my kiddos and family I am praising I am Fearing I am trying to be in Awe of who He is. Phil Whikham has a song that I am breathing every day "You're Beautiful" I want you Dear Savior...I want to live my life in a way that is Beautiful for you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A snowy day

So Dustin woke me up this morning with "Christin hurry get out of bed".... I looked outside and it was snowing. Not little small flakes but big ones. Brock and Dustin immediately went outside to play, needless to say we aren't outfitted to play in the snow but Brock LOVED it. We are trying to go to Colorado for Spring Break to see snow for Brock's third birthday...I am pretty sure he will love it, just have to get the right gear.