Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Extravaganza...

So we have been traveling alot the past month. We left for my parents', Austin last Sunday and then came home in the snow on Christmas Eve, just in time for the Christmas Eve Blizzard and Santa...then we packed up the car Christmas day and heading to Texarkana to Dustin's parents. We are still here and will head back Tuesday morning. I love family but I am definitely looking forward to a somewhat normal sleeping schedule. But I must say that God has given me two extremely flexible children, Brock is doing well and Chloe is happy as always. One thing I am defintley thankful for is not having to go back to school in a week, amazing how that was a heavy weight upon me.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I am at this place in my spiritual walk where God is calling me to listen. I have felt in the past few weeks that I am at a new place with God. Where I want to Love Him more...I kind of have been thinking on this for awhile but I was afraid of where it would take me or what I would have to do in order to be there. But a few weeks ago talking to a friend and listening to what she was learning I got tired...I got tired of living a mediocre life (don't know how to spell). So I am asking God what he desires of me...He told me at Chloe's morning feedings, after I work out or some time that I find just to myself I am waiting in silence...kind of hard to do because my mind races, I literally have to clear it all out. Words He has given me this week: Praise, Fear, Awe..I want to view my God as a BIG God, I want to love Him more...Dustin asked me this week if I feel this way because I am staying at home...I laughed, I think Kari said it best this week, my kids are my refining as I go about my business with my kiddos and family I am praising I am Fearing I am trying to be in Awe of who He is. Phil Whikham has a song that I am breathing every day "You're Beautiful" I want you Dear Savior...I want to live my life in a way that is Beautiful for you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A snowy day

So Dustin woke me up this morning with "Christin hurry get out of bed".... I looked outside and it was snowing. Not little small flakes but big ones. Brock and Dustin immediately went outside to play, needless to say we aren't outfitted to play in the snow but Brock LOVED it. We are trying to go to Colorado for Spring Break to see snow for Brock's third birthday...I am pretty sure he will love it, just have to get the right gear.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A new leaf...

So I begin this journey of being a stay at home mom...what is funny is that this is totally my way of being refined...fine tuned...cut...this is my pruning of sorts. Not that I don't love being with my two little ones it is easy to just get caught up in the he should she should whirlwind. Last night I was reminded a something that I had forgotten. 1 Cor. 13:4, Love is patient and kind. It does not boast. More importantly it does not get today as Brock and I did our morning devotion and read about how we are to love I see it again. Needless to say I have been speaking this scripture all day to my 2 and half year old and to myself. Thank you Jesus for provisions.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wasting time in the hospital.

I hope we don't get billed for this...

Brock and Chloe

Before Chloe was born my prayer would be that Brock would have a sweet love for her. That he would fill as though he had a special part in who she was going to be. Dustin and I have prayed for hours that Brock would see the role in which he plays in her life. Tonight as we got ready for bed Brock asked to hold Chloe on his belly. It was a special time to watch as he begins to fulfill his role as big brother over his little Chloe.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


The sun has finally come out today...the back pressure is insane...and my life as a mom of one ends tomorrow morning. Jesus thank you for this new adventure. I know there will be days that I want to cry, scream and just fall over with exhaustion but my prayer is that I will laugh, enjoy her, enjoy family and enjoy my little boy's role in her life.
Today we went to the mall to pick out a stuffed animal for Chloe, Brock chose a cow...funny:). Look for pics in the next week or so.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Being content...

So I am all wrapped up in Philippians right now. Especially chapter 4. I am waiting on Miss Chloe, not working and trying to make some sense of it. Ironic I should never really try and make sense of a situation like this. So I have been reading and dwelling on Phil 4. Being content whatever the circumstances, aligning and asking God to make my contentment his contentment. I have found myself realizing that I long for other things way too much. What if I just stayed at home? Got an easier job? What if? Would it be easier? So many different little questions going through my hormonal brain. But the truth of the matter is I have a hard time longing for the life that God has placed me in, the life that he has ordained for me. That is a lot to swallow. So my prayer today and my prayer for my sweet friends is that we may be content whatever the circumstances are that we see ourselves placed in. That God may align our hearts up with His to see and receive His satisfaction. So for right now...I dwell on that truth.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So I am done with teaching until Miss Chloe decides to come into this world, or when Gagnon decides to take her. Yesterday I went to the doc and I was 2 cm and 60 % effaced...more than expected. I am so thankful for having these days or day off...but as I stay at home, play with Brock and love on my small family...I kept help but feel a little anxious and excited to meet my new sweet one. # 1 thing on my list...meeting with Jesus for longer than 15 has been a couple of crazy days.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Brock singing

When Brock was about 8 months old he got a toy that sings the abc's. We just recently found it and started playing with it. Now he wants to sing to it constantly and he is pretty funny doing it.

Brock's Art

Brock is into painting...while we were in Texarkana this summer he painted for the first time with an isel and his own paints. Dustin's mom is an artist and so she has helped guide us as to how we are to help him continue his excitement. This is the first video of him painting. He does it every other week or so...I think he is pretty good.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Brock's imagination

This weekend Mimi came into visit and they decided to go fishing in the backyard. The back story is that Brock's imagination is in full swing, everything is a fishing pole that he is trying to catch Shark fish. Enjoy!!!

Brock's first book from school

I love it when I continually get confirmation that Brock is at the right place for childcare. Jesus took care of him last year with Kari and Piper, he learned so much with them, that I was anxious to see how Twin Oaks worked out. He loves it...we are definitely having to work on the "public school" moments, like when he has just started to say "stop it", he didn't hear that from us so I am pretty sure he heard it at school, so we have had many talks about how we talk kindly to others. But we can never avoid any of that. Any some footage of his first book he made at school, it definitely made me smile and even get teary eyed which I do most often.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cookie time

So this week was my first week back to school with students. I already love them...God has definitely put some specific children in my class this year, one having leukemia (might be a little bit of an emotional year). But if I ever doubted that this what I need to be doing for a living all I have to do is start school, I love teaching. God has provided a great long term sub, a.k.a Megan Hull.
Anyway, after my first day of school we made dinner and then made one of my favs, no bake cookies. Brock helped, of course, and then enjoyed himself to the hot cookies.
His new favorite word is "I like it" or "I don't like it" we are definitely having to work on how he says it but it is still precious. Forgive how HUGE I am...only 5 more weeks to go till we meet Miss Chloe Dell.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Brock's school.

I will definitely have to get video of his class, perhaps tomorrow for the gparents, but here is a video of him getting ready to go. He didn't even want breakfast, we told him where we were going and off he wanted to go. Dustin took him this morning and all of my emotions almost got the best of me...I had to bend over and get ready to throw up...but true to my nature I did not.
He did not take a nap during his naptime but he did lay down (boring!). He had a great day, and said bye to all of his friends. He was not the happiest person when we first got home but after dinner with Daddy and wrestling on the floor he was much better.
Tomorrow I take him for the first time.
I am already exhausted and I have not even begun school, 7 weeks till this sweet baby girl comes and so much to do...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chloe's room the beginning

Here is video of what Chloe's room looks like so far...I definitely need to do a couple of other things.

Brock cooking...

I don't understand it but he loves to cook, he wants to help do whatever we are doing in the kitchen and for the most part he does very well...check out this video of him cooking with Daddy...I think I was busy sleeping (surprise!)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Brock's big boy bed

So many firsts this of which is switching to a twin bed out of his baby is a look at what it looks like. I am a proud mama.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our Anniversary...

Actually our anniversary isn't until next weekend but we decided to do it on Thursday night this past week. We went to Texas de Brazil, Dustin's favorite restaurant and then stayed in The Ashton Hotel downtown. It was really nice...we woke up on Friday with creaks in our necks and backs and had breakfast downstairs in the grill. Then off to Barnes n Noble to just hang out and read. We came home on Friday during lunch but not before going bu the chiropractor for Dustin to get adjusted. It was a great, Quick getaway. I cant believe it has been 5 years. I feel richly blessed and fall more and more in love with my husband as the years go on. Here is a video with our new toy...

A note to Nana and Pops...

Brock and Potty training

Well it is here. I had many goals for the summer and one of them was potty training. I kind of gave up on the thought but then Brock told me a couple of weeks ago that he wanted his diaper off. There began the journey. Today he pooped in the potty for the first time, he told me he needed to and then he did it. I am quite proud. Here is a video of us talking about it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Getting ready...

Calling all I immediately went to youth camp right after school let out and now I am in full time mommy mode/youth ministers wife mode. Is it bad to say that I hate summer right now? I am having total withdraws and am overwhelmed with what I am suppose to be doing. So I looked at my long list of projects for the summer and started head long into it on Sunday, working on our photo album for the past year.
Today I went through all of Brock's clothes labeled the boxes and they are now sitting in the guest bedroom waiting to be delivered to Justus, I hope he likes Gap clothes because I did not realize how many clothes Brock had, thanks to Nana and Pops.
What is next...I dont really know... Just a random pic.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hi ho Hi ho it's off to camp we go...

What a week...we had the privilege of going to camp this week as a family. Dustin's mom came in to play and watch Brock as I led a breakout session over meditation and got to be a camp counselor, probably won't be doing that any other time soon. I was somewhat nervous about what to expect from teaching at camp and then of course with being 23 weeks pregnant. Thankfully I spent most of my time during free time with a heating pad and sleeping.
Jordan Fowler was our speaker for the week and I was overwhelmed at the response from our students, they were right with him the whole time. He challenged them in probably more ways than they have been challenged in a long time.
I am in the process of reading Richard Foster's Celebration of Disciplines. I had to read it for my breakout session but I am finding it to be a hard book to put down. I am looking forward to the summer and all that I get to learn from walking with my Savior. The students responded well to my breakout and I had the opportunity to talk one on one with many ladies and gentlemen about what the next step was. During the week one of my friends had her baby earlier than expected and the little one had to go to the NICU. I am usually one of the first to get my ducks in a row and do what needs to be done for my sis' in Christ but I had a new job this pray and sit back and let others serve. It is amazing to me the connection the Holy Spirit gives our family of believers. Jen and Alexis were never from my thoughts and prayers. We love you guys!
It was my first time to have sophomore girls at camp as well. Man they dug it...I am still getting texts about what scriptures they should be reading and many of them are really taking 2 Cor. 10:5 serious..taking their thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ.
One of the big things that Dustin and I pray for constantly is how to be a family that serves and demonstrates that service. Cathy Hupp told me this morning that she thought it was cool for many of these students to see families (us, the Fowlers, and the Vaughns) and married couples (Sercey's and Kimmel's) serving together in many compacities but not putting family aside. I was encouraged and thrilled.
That was just the beginning of our summer......

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brock and being sick

So Brock is sick, well actually he acts totally fine he just has what they call Atypical pneumonia. So we are hanging out today just goofing off. I love you Brock, you make me happy to be your mama.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Brock and his trains

Friday is always Daddy and Brock's day to play. We didn't realize till last week that there is a train in downtown old Keller. So on Friday Dustin and Brock went to the trains...and oh did he love them. Thank you Jesus for creating Trains.


Well I am 8 weeks pregnant and sick. I get a wiff of something and head for the bathroom. But the worst is when on sunday my body decided to protect this baby and make me sick, that is right bring on the strep. So I stayed at home yesterday and today resting and getting better. I am feeling better but I need to get back into the classroom...I need to do some teaching.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A cold winters day.....

I love cold it. That's a problem though I live in TEXAS and don't get it much. But today, when the windchill is 27 degrees, I am in my home, fire in the fireplace( haven't used that much), little one asleep, and in laws here working on my house. hehehe and I am busy typing on the computer. I wish I didn't have to leave soon I would love to stay and

Monday, January 12, 2009

I love you

So last night we are on our way home from church and Brock is with Dustin and I am at the grocery store. We were talking about the night and just enjoying each others conversation when Dustin said, "Tell Mommy- I love you"...and my sweet little boy said,"I love you". Nobody else might have understood it but I did and it made my heart burst. I love you...what magical words.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Choo Choo

Brock loves Trains...all of a sudden it was like he woke up and understood what it was. A couple of weeks ago we rented a kid documentary on trains..boring..but no Brock loved it. No matter where we go he knows what train tracks look like. So for Christmas he got many trains and best of all his Nana and Pops put up a Polar Express train to go around the tree. HE LOVED IT!!!! I don't think I will ever forget his face and his body when he realized he could play with it.

My job

I love my job!!! I was at the end of my winter break, wishing to stay home and play with my son for hours and hours...wondering exactly why I am going back to work. Today was hard...its TAKS season, ya'll but I love my job and where I work. I finally get to say...I actual get to do this. No matter how tense I may be or no how bad my head works..seeing Kingdom work being done at the school level is pretty AWEsome. Thank you Jesus.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Cowboy boots

So for Christmas Brock and I both got I first Cowboy boots. We love them, he feels like he can romp and I feel as though I need to hop on a horse. I never thought I would want a pair and here I am every morning now trying to decide what outfit will look best with my boots. And the most important question, can I get away with wearing them to school? Believe me I will try.

Trying to update

Here I am realizing the importance of funny stories and connecting with family. I am hoping that this is something that I can keep up with and that my family and friends can view what is going on as well.