Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hi ho Hi ho it's off to camp we go...

What a week...we had the privilege of going to camp this week as a family. Dustin's mom came in to play and watch Brock as I led a breakout session over meditation and got to be a camp counselor, probably won't be doing that any other time soon. I was somewhat nervous about what to expect from teaching at camp and then of course with being 23 weeks pregnant. Thankfully I spent most of my time during free time with a heating pad and sleeping.
Jordan Fowler was our speaker for the week and I was overwhelmed at the response from our students, they were right with him the whole time. He challenged them in probably more ways than they have been challenged in a long time.
I am in the process of reading Richard Foster's Celebration of Disciplines. I had to read it for my breakout session but I am finding it to be a hard book to put down. I am looking forward to the summer and all that I get to learn from walking with my Savior. The students responded well to my breakout and I had the opportunity to talk one on one with many ladies and gentlemen about what the next step was. During the week one of my friends had her baby earlier than expected and the little one had to go to the NICU. I am usually one of the first to get my ducks in a row and do what needs to be done for my sis' in Christ but I had a new job this pray and sit back and let others serve. It is amazing to me the connection the Holy Spirit gives our family of believers. Jen and Alexis were never from my thoughts and prayers. We love you guys!
It was my first time to have sophomore girls at camp as well. Man they dug it...I am still getting texts about what scriptures they should be reading and many of them are really taking 2 Cor. 10:5 serious..taking their thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ.
One of the big things that Dustin and I pray for constantly is how to be a family that serves and demonstrates that service. Cathy Hupp told me this morning that she thought it was cool for many of these students to see families (us, the Fowlers, and the Vaughns) and married couples (Sercey's and Kimmel's) serving together in many compacities but not putting family aside. I was encouraged and thrilled.
That was just the beginning of our summer......

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